Feel free to concact us! If you're not sure which committee member to contact, write an email to our president. He will sort it out.

To prevent us from getting automated spam emails, the email addresses below are formatted a bit oddly. Just replace [at] with a normal @. We're happy to hear from you.


  • President: euso.president [at] gmail.com
  • Secretary: euso.secretary [at] gmail.com
  • Treasurer: euso.treasurer [at] gmail.com

Rest of Committee

Position Email
Librarian euso.librarian [at] gmail.com
Outreach Officer euso.outreach [at] gmail.com
Publicity Manager euso.publicity [at] gmail.com
Sponsorship & Fundraising Manager eusofundraising [at] gmail.com
Webmaster euso.webmanager [at] gmail.com

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